
How to Achieve Consistently Hydrated Skin & Hair

Achieving consistently hydrated skin and hair is the goal of many people who are looking to rejuvenate themselves or feel better about their appearance. Everyone experiences the feeling of dry skin or hair in their lifetime, so don’t worry if it’s your turn! There can be several reasons why you experience this, such as a sudden switch in weather conditions, skincare regimen techniques or eating habits.

Luckily, there are solutions that can help you escape this and leave you with healthily hydrated skin and hair. Whether you’re looking for temporary fixes or more permanent solutions, this guide will have you covered with a variety of different techniques that you can try out to help you eliminate dehydrated skin and hair.

Make sure to continue reading for all the latest skin and hair care information that will leave you glowing and feeling your absolute best!

Skin Hydration Methods


Drink More Water

While it might seem obvious to drink more water, you’d be surprised how many people forget to drink the recommended amount on a daily basis. It’s the most proven way of hydrating the skin and making it feel more nourished. A 2015 study found that drinking sufficient water can be as effective as applying moisturiser to the skin. Yapa Plastic Surgery always suggests high water consumption to help recover the skin from any permanent alterations.

Gentle Cleansing

Stripping your skin of natural oils will highly impact your hydration levels. This is why you must avoid any harsh cleansers that can lead to dryness, cracking or redness. If this is happening to you, we recommend that you source a gentle cleanser instead that won’t have any adverse effects on your skin. There are products out there that directly avoid chemical exfoliants. When you are exfoliating your face, you should never scrub with too much pressure as this can leave you with damaged skin.

Water-Based Foods

Your diet can play a big part in how hydrated your skin feels. Having a diet filled with processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugar can cause skin inflammation and lead to acne in some cases. That’s why it’s very important to keep tabs on what you eat on a daily basis. For healthier skin, you should look to incorporate more water-based foods for a flexible diet as this will help keep your skin hydrated. Cucumbers, strawberries and celery can all be great for skin hydration.

Skin Hydration Serums

If your usual moisturiser isn’t effectively hydrating your skin, you should seek alternative cosmetic products instead. Some serums can be applied to your skin that are specifically designed to enhance skin hydration. You can use these serums both day and night in your daily routine for smoother and plumper skin.

Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the most effective moisturiser for both complete protection against sun damage and pure skin hydration. Protecting yourself against dangerous UV rays will help you avoid skin dryness and redness, so you should seek sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF). Even if the sun isn’t glaring, UV rays can still impact your skin so applying sunscreen daily will make it most beneficial.

Cosmetic Procedures

If natural skin hydration techniques aren’t working for you, there are alternative routes you can take. Cosmetic procedures can be very effective for helping dehydrated skin, as they can uproot any dirt, sweat and oil that might be clogging your pores. You can choose to go for lighter procedures like facials, fillers and skin boosters, or you can select surgery options like a facelift in London that will help eliminate wrinkles and unclog any trapped oil.

Hair Hydration Methods

Moisturising Shampoo

Regular shampoo might seem good for your hair, but it can actually strip away a lot of its natural oils which leaves it looking and feeling dry. No matter how many times you choose to wash your hair, you should always opt for a shampoo that moisturises the hair. These formulas are specifically designed to provide your hair with oils to keep them healthier for longer.

Colder Showers

Having a hot shower, especially when it’s freezing cold during the winter, can feel amazing and leave you feeling relaxed. However, did you know that hot showers can have a negative effect on your hair? Hot water can strip the natural oils out of your hair, which can lead to it feeling dry and brittle. You should instead take colder showers to help with maintaining these oils. This doesn’t have to be a freezing temperature with lukewarm being ideal.

Heat Protectants

Using hot tools on your hair, such as straighteners or a hairdryer can hurt hair hydration in the long term. You should protect your hair from heat overexposure by applying heat protectants. For example, there are blowdry primers that you can apply to the hair to help smoothen it and protect it against high temperatures. This is why hair salon equipment is designed in this way.

Frequent Haircuts

If your hair gets too long and you avoid trimming it, you will inevitably get split ends that can cause unhealthy hair breakage. This can completely dry out your hair and leave it feeling dehydrated. You should aim to get your hair trimmed on a regular basis to keep it healthy. Once every three months is the often suggested timeframe that you should consider getting your haircut. If you aren’t ready for a proper haircut, you can choose a hair dusting instead.

Avoid Hair Dyes

It’s no secret that dying your hair can damage it and lead to dehydration of your scalp. This is because dying your hair often involves applying bleach, which sucks any moisture out of your hair and makes it feel withered after regular application. While good hair care routines can reduce hair dye risks, it could get to a point where it’s unsolvable.

Hair Oils

If other aspects of your lifestyle are reaping your hair of its natural oils, you can choose to apply your own oils to re-moisturise your hair. After you style your hair, you should massage a small amount of hair oil through your hair for optimal results. It will leave your hair feeling hydrated and boost how shiny it is. When applying these oils, it’s important that you don’t add too much as this can make your hair look wet rather than hydrated.

Follow these tips and you should begin to notice that your skin and hair have never been healthier. Whether you need small tweaks or large alterations to achieve optimum skin and hair, these are solutions that can help you look and feel your best.

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