
How Orthotics Help Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can affect your everyday life in significant ways, both at work and at play. Whether you have kids or you’re in a recreational sports group, having back pain can undoubtedly slow you down and force you to have to back out of activities that you enjoy. Your work could also require you to be on your feet for extended periods of time, which can  be painful when you frequently have a sore lower back.

There are many types of treatments available for helping with lower back pain. One of these treatments includes the use of orthotics to realign the feet in a way that will affect your body’s posture in general. How your feet affects your body depends on your foot type, among other factors. Read on to learn more about how your feet can cause lower back pain, and how Nanaimo custom orthotics can help.

How Pronated Feet Can Affect You

If you have excessively high arched feet or flat feet, your feet and ankles may roll inward and your shin bones (which are your tibia) will not be properly in-line with your feet. Tibia that are perfectly in-line will be straight above the space between your big toe and second toe. Feet that roll inward, however, will cause the tibia to be in-line with the inside of the big toe. Problems that can arise when your feet roll inward, which is known as pronation, include the development of painful bunions and knock-knees.

Knock-knees is the phenomenon of the knees being forced to turn inward. This can cause an unsteady hip posture to develop, due to a shift caused in the meeting of your thigh bones to your pelvis. Your spine can then become destabilized. As you can see, your feet can have an affect on many parts of your body. When your feet are not aligned correctly, other parts become unstabilized and lower back pain can develop.

How Orthotics Can Help

The medical term “kinetic chain” refers to every joint of your body that are connected from your feet to your neck. Foot orthotics can be used to improve how the kinetic chain is affected by the position of your feet while you walk. With properly fitted foot orthotics, your body can become realigned and lower back pain caused by your pronated feet can be reduced.

If you have pronated feet or think your feet are the cause of pains in other parts of your body, contact us to find out how we can help you at Island Pedorthic & Footcare.

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