
First Aid Solution To Bee Stings

Getting stung by a bee can be a painful and harrowing experience. For some, getting stung can be a nuisance. Those who are not allergic to bees may only experience temporary sharp pain, swelling, and itching at the site of the sting, with no major health complication. It is a different story, however, for those who are allergic to bees, or those who were stung multiple times.

When a bee stings you, it leaves behind a toxin that causes pain and other physical symptoms. It is to this toxin that some people are allergic to, not to the bees themselves. Severe allergic reactions to this toxin may result to hives, severe itching, swelling of the throat and tongue, breathing difficulty, rapid pulse rate, vomiting and nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, and loss of consciousness. What to do after a bee stings you depends if you are allergic to its sting or not.

First Aid for Those Without Allergic Reactions

If you are not allergic to bee stings and do not experience the severe reactions mentioned above, you can treat your bee sting at home.

  • Remove any stingers immediately from the sting site
  • Apply ice or cold compress to area to provide relief from the sting. Keep the ice on for 20 minutes, once every hour
  • Wash the sting area with soap and water
  • You can apply hydrocortisone cream on the sting to relieve itching, swelling, and redness
  • Take antihistamine to help with the itching and swelling
  • Take Tylenol or Ibuprofen for the pain, if needed
  • Get a tetanus booster if it has been more than 10 years since your last tetanus shot

Do not ever scratch the sting site. Scratching can increase risk of infection, and can worsen the itching, swelling, and redness of the sting. Some home remedies for bee sting include honey, apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils such as lavender, tea tree, and witch hazel.

First Aid to Those with Allergic Reactions

If you experience any of the severe reactions listed above, or have had allergic reactions to bee stings in the past, seek medical help immediately. Take antihistamine as soon as possible. You will be closely monitored and may likely be admitted for treatment and observation.

Call a Pest Control Expert to Deal with Your Pests Problems

If you have been stung by a bee, have identified that there is a colony of bees in your yard, or have reason to believe that there might be some pests in your home, call a reputable pest control company immediately! They can help eradicate your problem, safely and effectively. Keep your home and your family safe from bees and other pests with help from friendly pest control experts in your neighborhood.

Written by BugOut Pest Control & Lawn Care. BugOut Pest Control & Lawn Care offers the best service for pest control in Columbia, MO.

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