
Every One Today Loves Tea, But How Did Tea Become So Popular

Well, it all started in Great Britain in the 17th century. Then, everyone started to drink tea after they started to do it.

Different Types Of Tea

There is a variety of different tea you can buy on the market today, but it depends on what type of flavor you prefer to drink. Some of the most popular flavors of tea today is chamomile, honey, strawberry, and cinnamon. I personally love the chamomile flavor tea, it gives the tea a sweet and calming feel to it. Also, if you’re into fruit flavor tea bags then I would prefer strawberry because it gives the tea bag a really fruity flavor. The other fruit flavors can sometimes leave your mouth a bit dry, but strawberry tea never leaves my mouth dry at all.

How To Buy Tea Bags The Smart Way

We all know that buying tea can be expensive so here are a few money saving methods you can try. First, don’t always go straight to the name brand section, try the store section first. Second, try only to use a one tea bag for one person. I know when I grew up my parents would use about three tea bags on one person, I know crazy. Third, try using apps on your phone that gives you digital coupons. If you don’t have a smartphone then I would recommend try signing up for paper coupons at your local grocery store. Lastly, try to buy a large quantity of tea at a time because it can save you from going and getting tea every day.

How Tea Saved People From Dying

Experts say that drinking at least one cup of tea a day can expand your life a little. Since I’ve known about this I drink at least two cups a day now. My family and I now have a special day out of the month just to have a tea party. Tea is proven to relax your nerves.

Tea With Meals

Most of the time people may drink soda or water with their meal, but researchers say that tea with your meal may help your digestive system. Also, when you eat late you are more likely to sleep longer, but with tea, it helps your food digest faster. So if you have an important business meeting make sure you drink some tea with your dinner the night before.

Best Tea For Your Buck

Some of the best tea I personally drink is Sleepy Time Tea because it’s not that expensive and it tastes terrific. So if you like tea then you should get Sleepy Time Tea.

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