Creating Colored Pencil Art: Tips For Beginners
Drawing with color pencils is not an easy art. The way we are supposed to use color pencils is highly different than that of graphite pencils in numerous ways. Despite their super success and tremendous popularity, many artists refuse to consider them a piece of art. But, there is no denying of the fact that if popularly drawn, they ooze a different charm and gravitate the most toughest art admirers. Here is a tutorial that discusses the basic steps, tips and techniques to be borne in mind while creating a colored pencil art.
Tip 1: It is important to take care of your hand hygiene while using color pencils. These pencils leave a lot of dirt while using. Thus, it is imperative to wash your hands after the drawing, so as to prevent the dirt going into the eyes, mouth and nose.
Tip 2: While creating your art piece, use a slip sheet to prevent the oil smudges, which can spoil the painting. Stay careful so as to not smudge the painting as most of the paper can sensitive to the body oils. Even a slight contact of your fingers with the body oils can hurt the beauty of the drawing.
Tip 3: Avoid placing your drawing sheet on an uneven surface. Put it on the flat surface and make sure you have adequate space for the body movement and keeping the necessary things.
Tip 4: Get a clipboard of perfect length from the art stores. The ideal size of a clipboard is 18*18.
Tip 5: To ensure that the clipboard doesn’t budge during the painting process, use artists’ or drafting tape.
Tip 6: Find a comfortable seat for yourself and place the board in a way that you get a clear view of the paper. Correct sitting posture will trigger pain in the neck and back region, and you will be able to concentrate better.
Tip 7: Ensure proper lighting in the room. Colored pencil art requires a lot of detailing, which can create excessive pressure on the eyes. Make sure that the room has enough light.
Bob Ransley, fondly known as ‘America’s Colorist’, is a prominent painter who admires the freedom of the art and works in the same vein. Art is the child of imagination, and imagination is boundless. Therefore, he believes art shouldn’t remain confined to any set of rules. It should fly.
Author Bio:
Bob Ransley was born in New England, and has constantly been on the move and has stayed across a variety of locations. He has been living in Maine for the past 6 years now, and his travels have been his inspiration for many of his finest works. He has become America’s most known colorist, due to the vast number of shades that he employs in his paintings. Robert Ransley can be followed on social media at @Twitter , Google+ , Linkedin and Facebook . For more background information on Bob , see his full bio over here.