
Cool Summer Travel Tips For Ladies!

Too often we pack in a hurry, it’s always we pack in evening or morning before we leave. Smart packing requires time and attention particularly when ladies travel they take extra time and care in packing everything that they need. Traveling in summers is more tiring and stressful because of the heat and stickiness so here are some cool summer travel tips for cool ladies like you and me to have a nice refreshing vacation. So let’s beat the heat.

Cut Back

Skin creams, body lotions, hair sprays there is a lot of stuff for you to pack. Take my suggestion and don’t pack every beauty item that you require. Try to carry a product that serve multi tasks like the Supergoop Save Face Serum it has SPF 30+ and is an antiaging serum, sunscreen and moisturizer. Sounds cool right so grab one for yourself!

Drink Plenty OF Water

When you are traveling in summers try to keep yourself hydrated drink as much water as possible, this will help in preventing general fatigue, jetlag and will prevent your body from being tired with the sudden change in time, climate and diet.

Hangover Assistant

Hangovers are never fun for anyone but having a hangover while you are traveling is highly unpleasant. Try David Kirsch’s Thermo Bubbles it’s an excellent hangover helper just mix it in water and give it a drink it will help you stay energized all day long and control your appetite.

Grab Some Health Snacks

When you are traveling it’s very easy to involve in junk food eating – the smart decision is to pack some healthy snacks while you are on the go. Carry a box of watermelon, cucumber or oranges with some salt and pepper. They are proven to keep you in a good mood as they smell good, help in relieving stress and are best snacks for keeping your body hydrated.

Try Not To Get Sun Burned

A beach vacation sounds like fun in summers but getting sun burned is definitely a spoiler. I highly recommend that you put on sunscreen before you change into your bathing suit and after you have worn it reapply it again.

Stay Fresh

No one likes a smelly chick on the beach, apply fragrance free underarm powders, they look like small compact makeup kits and are easy to carry. Dab some under your arm before you go out at night or any other place to prevent the wetness.

Time ToRelax!

Vacation means you need to relax you mind and body, so that means your only focus should be on enjoying. That means no more email checking or texting put your phone down and leave your inbox alone for some time.

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