
Clarifying Values With A Career Change

There are many reasons you might want to consider a career change. Perhaps you are in a profession that is rapidly becoming obsolete, like a printer for a newspaper. Maybe you are bored with your current career, or excited about a new option. Or perhaps you would like to switch careers due to a move.

So there are many things you need to consider when it comes to a career change. One of them is to make sure that your values connect with that you would be doing in your new career. A career coaching in Philadelphia or other city expert can potentially help you clarify your values with a career change. One of the ways to have a fulfilling career is to think about where your talents and interests lay, or find a career around this. Here are some tips to get started:

Think about what you wanted to be when you grew up

When you were a child, what did you dream about what you were going to be when you grew up? Granted, being an astronaut or a cowboy is not a realistic goal at this point if you are in your 40s or 50s. But you could still try to work for NASA if you wanted to once be an astronaut, or work with horses if you once wanted to be a cowboy.

Think about what you most Like to do in your Spare Time

Depending upon your hobbies and interests, you might be able to form a career out of it. For example, a number of people who created blogs on their interests were able to turn the blogs into revenue streams – and eventually, a second income and/or a new career.

Perhaps you do something that could become a new career. For example, if you like to garden, perhaps you can come up with a way to make that another career, such as selling seeds or gardening for others.

Analyze what Type of Careers you might Like – or Dislike

You may want to think about taking one of the many career aptitude tests, just to get a sense of what you can potentially do when it comes to your career. You may discover an aptitude in a career you might never have otherwise considered. That is something to consider when it comes to career searching.

In addition, you should also give some thought to what things you have liked or disliked in jobs you have had in the past. For example, if you want to be outside, and despise being cooped up in an office, that is something that should be a guiding factor when it comes to a future profession. Somebody visiting career coaching in Philadelphia who really wants to live on the West Coast ought to keep that in mind.

Do you like numbers? Are you interested in writing? Are you good at problem solving? All of these things can show you where your talents lie when it comes to a future career.

Talk to a Career Coach

You might want to consider attending career coaching in Philadelphia, such as at Creative Vision Coaching, or elsewhere to help you. A career coach can talk to you about values clarification when it comes to a future career, and ask you questions that can help you think about a new profession.

Lisa Swan writes for a variety of websites and blogs.

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