Home Improvement

Choosing The Right Bumper Plates For Your Crossfit Gym

The new year is coming around so that means everyone’s New Year’s resolution is buying a new gym membership to get back into shape. Crossfit is a high-intensity fitness program incorporating elements from several sports and types of exercise. CrossFit athletes train their muscles, joints and ligaments using functional movements, which means they’re useful for more than just looking good in a bathing suit. Well-rounded workouts that use large muscle groups and various ranges of motion lead to better overall health, posture, flexibility, strength and core balance. It is recommended that you train for crossfit five times a week. All crossfit gyms recommend that you train for three consecutive days, rest for one day, then train again for three days. It is important to give your body a rest so it can make minor repairs in your muscles.

In every Crossfit gym, you will find a variety of athletes. Everyone has a different body type and has different strengths and weaknesses in the gym. This is often determined by an individual’s past athletic experience along with genetic influences.  With some exceptions, most athletes can be categorized into one of the following categories: endurance, metcon, or strength. Metcon is a crossfit style training that is repeated through rounds. There is also different types of endurance you can build up. For example, power athletes workout their lactate threshold. This requires some supplements and a high pain tolerance to delay the lactic acid that builds in your muscles when you work out. Resistance training in general will develop strength. Common strength exercises used frequently in Crossfit programming include squats and deadlifts. While these movements are very efficient at increasing strength in specific muscle groups, becoming proficient at the olympic lifts increases overall strength. The stronger you become, the easier it is to move loads at those prescribed weights.

When watching the intense workouts a lot of people question if crossfit is healthy for your body.  Training in crossfit has the same level of risk as gymnastics, and it helps build character and discipline. Beginners often question how to choose the right bumper plate crossfit equipment. Bumper plates come in a few standard sizes and are generally sold in kilograms or pounds. Determining the best bumper plate comes down to three factors.

1. Shipping price
2. Product price
3. Warranty

There are different type of plates (steel and bumper), bumper are safer than steel. That is because they won’t smash through your foundation or crack and chip if you accidentally drop them. Consider that if you cannot safely drop a 45-lb steel plate while just transporting it to and from the bar without having to worry about what it would do to your floor, you obviously cannot safely drop a bar loaded with steel plates from an overhead position. There is another major factor on why customers prefer bumper over steel. Iron is very loud and obnoxious when you drop it, bumper plates have a noise cancellation that customers love and it saves the embarrassment when you’re a beginner always dropping the weight.

Another piece of equipment to complete your gym is the flooring used. The corrugated flooring have sharp pointed corrugations that run lengthwise on this matting  are designed to help remove dirt and mud from shoes while giving lasting protection to high traffic areas. It is important that your feet have grip on the matt to prevent one from slipping and injuring themselves. Crossfit gives one the advantage to become healthier and stronger to improve your lifestyle. A good approach to starting crossfit is the crawl, walk, run approach. This allows you to learn the techniques and avoid injuries as well. It also  helps teach individuals the way to do things the right way.

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