
Cheating Wife Dumps Newborn Baby after Keeping Pregnancy Secret from her Husband

A cheating wife dumped her newborn baby on a doorstep after keeping her entire pregnancy secret from her husband.
Leigh-Anne Varley, 36, told unsuspecting hubby Simon, 39, and their two children – aged 16 and six – she had ovarian cysts which caused ‘swelling’. In reality, she was pregnant by a lover and hid his baby boy, named ‘Jack’, right up to the birth.

For nine months, she meticulously planned a home delivery, got scissors and towels ready, and worked out where to abandon the baby near her home in Horden, County Durham.

As she went into labour, she did some housework, put her six-year-old to bed then delivered in the
bathroom, with her teenage daughter on a night out with friends, and Simon working night-shift.

Sneaking out of the neat modern terrace at the dead of night, she returned within minutes, later booking a ‘dream’ trip to Disney World in Florida for her family, then going to work.

Varley cut the umbilical cord with kitchen scissors, wrapping the placenta in a carrier bag, and dumping it in a wheelie bin, Peterlee magistrates heard.

Wrapping the tiny newborn in a dressing gown, she placed him on the doorstep of a flat close to a medical centre, with a note saying: Click the Next Arrow above to continue reading..

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