
Business 101: The Benefits and Importance Of A Cloud-Based Service Desk System

Since 97% of global consumers said that excellent customer experience with a brand is the key to their loyalty, businesses started to look for the best solution to please their target audience. One of the perfect customer service answers came with the adoption of CRM systems that are designed specifically for this purpose.

After all, it works for the industry’s advantage to reduce the duplication of effort and still strategically tie the business/client relationships with a pretty sales bow at the end. Counting also on the fact that customer expectations rise each year with 56% of worldwide shoppers in demand of innovations, a cloud-based service desk software appears to be the next logical step.

So, let’s check it out closely to determine the service desk benefits for your organization.

What is a Service Desk?

A service desk represents an ideal business intersection or a single point of contact between a company and customers as well as between employees and the company’s valuable associates. The primary focus of this service is to ensure that organizations provide help to their patrons in a timely manner and with the most efficiency.

However, with so many applications on the market designed for keeping track of all service requests, it’s easy to make a mistake and disrupt the quality of your service. Hence, cloud-based solutions came into the picture for optimizing operations and preventing risks of poor customer care.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Systems 

No matter the size of your business, you can never go wrong when investing in quality service desk software. Actually, Gartner predicts that by next year, more than 50% of organizations will redirect their investments to customer experience innovations.

Then again, market research findings suggest consumers prefer an automated service, which is doomed to take over 85% of all customer interactions by 2020. This is precisely why businesses turn to cloud-based deployment, as this is just the right innovation for enhancing the common service desk procedures.

Apart from reducing the response time and customer efforts, service desk on the cloud provides additional benefits, such as:

  • Improved Productivity. With the power of automation, employees are able to cut the time spent on repetitive tasks and use it wisely on more important work, like converting leads for example. Plus, with a flexible and integrated central database, the service desk team will have unrestricted access to customer tickets, purchase history, analytics, training, and more.
  • Accessibility and customization. The beauty of a cloud-based service desk software is in its easy installation and simple customization that meets your needs. Since the system operates in the cloud, users gain the ability to access it at any time and from any location.
  • More Informed Customers. As already implied, this type of service desk support reduces the response time and customer effort, which is the number one factor in gaining customer devotion. From updating consumers about their issue status to offering them subscriptions to different services, your business will get broader awareness and reconnect with customers on a more personalized level.  
  • Communication via Multiple Channels. An additional perk of service desk located in the cloud is total access and control of multiple channels at all times. The service agents will be able to provide real-time responses whether the requests come from social media, emails, phones, etc. To put it simply, this automation tool allows you to efficiently handle all situations and potential incidents across numerous business channels due to complete and accurate data records.
  • Security Improvements. Thanks to the cloud deployment, you won’t have to be afraid of a security breach. The vendor automatically updates the software in order to accomplish the security regulatory standard protocols as well as to provide the best available protection for the most sensitive business actions.
  • Greater Customer Experience. As the system tracks relevant customer details and enables constant communication, it’s easy to discover customers’ purchasing patterns and categorize a service catalogue to better regulate service processes. Hence, customer experience can be only improved as clients get immediate assistance and the info they need, which helps to navigate their sales and loyalty.


It’s clear that service desk systems prosper on the cloud. According to multiple reviewed statistics, consumers want a better and innovative experience. Therefore, the cloud came to assist in better management of big data and dissatisfied clients.

However, business owners have an obligation to define company goals as well as to truly understand the demands of their customers because a clear perception of current service desk operations, optimized tools, and improved insight into shoppers’ inclinations are the only way for one to realize the projected objectives. For that reason, it is a good idea to have a cloud-based service desk system by your side.

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