take a vacation even if you are on a budget. Discounts for flights, hotels, rental cars, museums and even amusement parks are there to be found. Here are five ways to save a few bucks while taking that dream getaway.
Flights on a Budget
Once you get to your destination, you will probably want to enjoy yourself and splurge a little on some fun activities, so it is important not to spend your entire budget on the plane trip there. When researching flights, check out websites like Kayak and Priceline because these sites search the web to find ticket price comparisons for you.
So you want to take that exciting trip but don’t think you have the funds to pull it off? Think again. Where there is a will, there is a way, and through some simple research you can easily
Another way to get a flight on the cheap is to use your frequent flyer miles or buy miles online. Finally, try researching to find the best times and days of the week to buy tickets. For example, some research shows that you should buy your tickets between one to four months before your trip, and other studies have shown Tuesdays and Wednesdays to be the cheapest shopping days.
Hotel Rooms on a Budget
The first method to finding cheaper hotel rooms is to try price comparison websites like Expedia and Hotel Price Bot. After that, try hotel cancellation websites like Roomer. When people book a room but end up cancelling, these rooms are still available and can be picked up for a great discount.
If the hotel prices are still too much for you, try an alternative like a bed and breakfast or even a rental house, as these can be much cheaper choices. In the end, nothing beats good old online research. Determine your location then decide on a radius surrounding that point for hotels to stay in. Use sites like Yelp to find the hotels that have the amenities you need and the price you desire.
Rental Cars on a Budget
Step one to getting a rental car on a budget is using a price comparison website. If these sites do not provide a price you are happy with, you may have to do a little more legwork. There are many different places where you can find discounts and deals. Check your credit card benefits or search online discount sites to see if you can get other deals on rentals.
You can also try to play the rental car game in hopes of getting your desired car on the cheap. For example, reserve a compact car and you may just end up with a mid-size because rental locations store many more of the larger cars than the smaller models and may give you one as a consolation if they don’t have your compact in stock. Finally, try bundling your flight, hotel and rental car for a cheaper all around price.
Amusement Parks on a Budget
First and foremost, try not to wait until you are at the actual amusement park to buy your tickets, and this is because there is always a discount or coupon online that you can utilize to get into the park without spending your life savings. These coupons can be found on the amusement park’s website or on a coupon site like Groupon.
When you approach the ticket booth, don’t forget to take advantage of specific discounts such as military, child and student markdowns. Finally, take advantage of products and retail stores that you visit every day to get your discounts. For example, Costco shoppers can buy discounted tickets both online and in store, and you can save soda cans to get up to $5-$10 off of entrance prices at certain parks.
Museums on a Budget
Visiting a museum abroad can be an amazing experience, and there is nothing like experiencing the culture of a foreign land or a new city while on a budget. Luckily, many popular cities from Chicago and New York to London, England have amazing museums that you can visit free of charge, and these are really great museums.
Most travelers are amazed of how many free museums they can visit just by completing a simple Internet search of the area they live in or are visiting. These museums range from science and history to mechanics and art and they are all willing to teach you a few things on the cheap.