Nexus users should be really proud and happy since the all the Android updates reach them first. It was just a few days back when the users got greatly upgraded to the dashing Kit Kat and it is almost seems like a big time because the next update arrived so soon. It is so mesmerizing that how the Nexus devices get the updates so soon. Of course, if not Nexus then who else will get it? Since Google are the one who are behind both the Android updates and as well as the Nexus devices.
It is almost less than a week after the giant Google began pushing Android 4.4.1 sincerely in to the Nexus 5. Now it looks as if the Google has now started rolling the Android 4.4.2 to various multiple Google Nexus devices. As of now we are sure about the reports that the Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 devices all have now started to receive these updates, and there are some manual download links also which have started to make the rounds wildly. It is also expected that this OS version will result in changes within android apps development also. However, the point is that Google has not yet made any sort of official announcements regarding this (Android 4.4.2) update. However, earlier the Sprint had announced users can expect something big like an update to build the KOT49H is on verge of being released to the Nexus 5 phones.
The update is surely looks like the one that was sent out by the giant Google last week which was known as KOT49E which means that the KOT49H update which we talk about is a little bit newer. The Sprint admin “4Social” (in social media) said that the prior KOT49E update had been found to contain a certain “issue,” which they failed to disclose and it is the reason for the replacement with this fresher model KOT49H build.
However, aforementioned there is no word officially yet on the exact details of what the actual issue was all about and what has caused the KOT49E build to be faulty and to be pulled or actually what’s included in the little KOT49H. Sprint has now posted a tiny change log for their version of the Nexus 5 update. This change log though explains that this includes bug fixes for clearing the Google Nexus 5’s voicemail based indicator. Previously this indicator had troubles with the delivery of the indicator in addition to the some other various unspecified software related error that are now going to be fixed and obviously it is claimed to include certain “security enhancements.”
Although we seriously think that it’s kind of very weird and uncommon on Google’s path that we happen to see Android 4.4.2 has started to rollout so soon i.e. as soon as less than a week or so after the Android 4.4.1 hit devices like Nexus 5 we may take this as good news. If you are wondering what the good news is, then here is the answer. Google appears to be acting pretty swiftly and rapidly in addressing issues whatsoever they maybe to get fixed. We are damn sure from Sprint’s talk that the Android 4.4.1 indeed had issues.
Now the advice for users and new buyers is that if you people are looking for the Android 4.4 Kit Kat-powered Nexus device such as the Nexus 4, Nexus 5 or even Nexus 7 then you should be sure to keep an open eye out for all the new updates of KitKat to be released for your device. There is an easy and effective option where in you can actually hit up the internet and get manual download links too.