
8 Ways To Prepare Children For School After Long Vacation

While summer months and Christmas are wonderful, parents will eventually have to prepare children to go back to school when the time comes. Here are ways parents could do to make the transition process smoother:

1. Go to shop early:

Parents should go to shop early to buy clothes and supplies when needed. Last-minute-shopping could cause a lot of stress, since we could deal with half-empty shelves and higher prices.

2. Make sure school bus will pick our children up:

Parents should confirm with the school that they will keep the previous bus route. This way, we won’t be surprised by the fact that the bus doesn’t show up while our children are waiting on the lawn. Confirmation must be made in advance to avoid unnecessary headache.

3. Buy lunch tickets:

Contact the school when we can purchase lunch tickets. In some cases, lunch tickets could be purchased before the school starts, so we can do it when we have the opportunity. Alternatively, parents could give children food boxes, if they still don’t have the chance to purchase the tickets.

4. Check for latest updates:

Schools might make some announcements when our family was in vacation. We should immediately contact the school for latest updates, since there could something that parents and students need to prepare before the regular schooldays start.

5. Plan our calendar properly:

By planning our calendar, we will know which days are holidays, short days and break. Some schools provide these calendars, so students could be better prepared. If children are active in sporting events, we should make sure that the calendar could accommodate their schedules. Well-planned calendar could help minimize school-related stress.

6. Buy books:

Teachers and school could send us a letter or email on books that children need to have. It’s particularly true for high school because some of the textbooks must be bought in libraries or from online stores. English teachers may require specific reading books and science teachers could require alternative material. Parents should buy these books as soon as they can.

In some smaller towns, there could never be enough variety of books, so the alternative is to buy from online stores. Parents shouldn’t rush-order books, because they don’t buy them early.

7. Perform health check-up:

Parents should check with the doctor whether children are due for specific immunizations. Immunization may cause mild fever as side effect, so parents should do this before the school starts. It is also necessary to perform vision and hearing tests to make sure children could study well at school.

8. Perform proper home routine:

One week before school starts, it is important to modify our sleep routine. Children should start to get used sleeping earlier and waking up earlier days before school starts. If possible, they should already finish bathing and eating breakfast by 7AM.

By performing these eight steps, it is possible for parents to prepare children for stress-free, go-back-to-school process. It is a bad idea to have last-minute rushes moments before school bus arrives.

About: Author is an employee of reputed seo services company. He’s likes blogging on internet marketing, small business tips and Finance.

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