7 Trendy Ways to Generate Potential Leads with Twitter
Social media marketing is the hot cup of coffee from which every business likes to take a sip. It is often filled with metrics that are useless. However, for the marketers any kind of tactics is leads and potential customers.
If you are not able to generate revenue from the social media, then why will you think to participate in it? Well, social media is a valuable lead generation tool. You have many social media networking sites that can help you build a springboard to generate quality leads.
Twitter is one such tool to find valuable customers, for both business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C). Here, in this article we are sharing how different SMBs have gained customers using Twitter.
Let us see the 7 popular metrics that marketers use to gain quality leads through social media marketing.
Leads with Twitter
Thorough Customer Survey
If you are not able to gauge the customer’s problem then your product is not going to hit the market in a large way. It is important to survey your customers and ask them about their preferences and problem at every stage of development. You can tweet the question to your fans or customers and see how they respond.
Making Your Customers Self-Informative
How will you educate your customers? For that, you can make a video or a report that focuses on the customer problem and why they need to change something in their business to overcome the problem. The video or the report should tell your customers about the solutions which they can avail after they hire you.
Support Customers with a Reliable Solution
If you have not yet prepared a solution, then take immediate action to solve their problem by launching a product or a service.
Tweet Valuable Content Regularly
Social media marketing is all about online visibility. To grow your network and make the customers follow you back increase your online presence. For increasing the visibility, you have to tweet valuable contents. Like, you may tweet about the need of voice processes for SMBs for greater customer service. Tweets should be relevant to the network.
Collect the Contact Information of Customers
The headline is the only content on the landing page describing the customers’ biggest problem and a few paragraphs that explains what solutions they gain from the service offered by you. The landline page serves the purpose of filling out of the web form. You should share the information on the product and service that can solve their problem a little later after customer fills out your web form. In the beginning, you just need to collect the information.
Take Part in the Tweet Chats
There are a number of micro-communities on Twitter that have self-organized themselves around certain topics. These communities normally discuss the industry issues in the form of Twitter Chat. An organized chart session happens at a scheduled time and with the use of a specific hashtag to tag and combine the conversations.
Constructing the Email Campaign
You have to place the web form on your landing page. So that you can collect, the name and email address of your fan or follower. The email auto responder program will gather detailed information to set up a successful email campaign.
These are just some of the hot and trendy ways that a number of companies use to generate potential leads on Twitter. Get a sip of this hot coffee and set up a successful business chain.
Author’s Bio
Alice Aires is a social media marketing guru working with call center provider for customer service in the Phils. She helps them to fix their social media customer service problems through careful and eminent optimization.