Starting a blog can be a good way to generate extra income for yourself or for your company. If you are looking to turn your blog into something that can make more money, what should you look to add to it?
1) Start Advertising
The first thing that you need to do is make use of advertising tools. Whether you sell you own advertisements or use Adsense, offering Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Mille (CPM) advertisements makes it easy to make money from your content throughout the day.
2) Sell Goods Through Your Blog
You can sell your own products through your blog or sign up to become an affiliate for thousands of companies around the world. Each time you sell a good or a customer buys a product through a company that you are affiliated with, you will receive a check.
3) Use A VPS
Speed is critical when it comes to keeping blog readers happy as well as help page rank quite a bit. If content doesn’t load or the site gets slow when a video plays, readers are going to leave very quickly. Therefore, cloud hosting through a virtual server is one tool that you cannot overlook when trying to make more money from your blog.
4) Add A Plug-In To Maximize SEO
If you use WordPress or another platform for your blog, you need to install plug-ins to help you maximize the SEO value of each post that you publish. Adding plug-ins can help with site linking, indexing and keyword optimization all in one tool. That can push your site higher in the search results and create content that is viewed more often.
5) Ask For Donations
It isn’t unheard of for bloggers to ask for donations or to install programs that put certain content behind a pay wall. By insisting that readers pay for premium content, you can generate more revenue for each view that you receive. You can set the minimum amount that customers need to pay to view content as well as allow customers to buy subscriptions.
Your blog can become a money maker as long as you add the right elements to it. By allowing ads on your blog, asking for donations and paying attention to SEO, you can create a blog that brings in revenue each day in a variety of ways. When done correctly, your work can translate into thousands of dollars in revenue per year that you didn’t have before.