As a business owner, you have many responsibilities and priorities. In addition to overseeing a company designed to profitable, you need to make sure you have a satisfied client base and that your employees are productive and happy. You also work closely with your IT staff to ensure you have the most reliable solutions to keep your computer network operating at peak efficiency. And because you rely heavily on transmitting, receiving and safely securing large amounts of data, it’s vital that you have a sound storage system to ensure no data is lost or compromised. Failure to do this would be catastrophic. However, when you purchase a direct-attached storage device, you can have the confidence all your data will be in good hands and available for your use when you need it. Here are some reasons you want this type of storage device.
Wide Selection
Recognizing that needs will differ from business to business, companies that manufacture and sell this type of storage have made several different styles available to you for purchase. For instance, you can online and select from 11 different styles of storage by HP alone. Each of these comes with unique features and functions perfect for your business and IT needs. No matter what you’re looking for or how much storage you need, you’ll find it with direct-attached storage.
Prices for Your Budget
You may operate a small, up-and-coming business, so you budget may only allow for devices at the lower end of the price range. That’s no problem. You can find devices for as little as $699. On the other hand, you may run a larger business that continues to grow and thrive. If this is the case, you may have some more flexibility with your budget. Higher-priced devices go all the way up to $14,999 but are also available in the $2,000 to $3,000 price range.
Different Host Environments
Once again, your business may have vastly different storage needs than the next place. You’ll be happy to know that storage options are available for both single- or multiple-server host environments. Plus, these solutions allow for storage expansion and growth as your needs change with your business’s growth.
Generous Warranty
For something as important as data and information storage, you can’t afford a direct-attached storage device that has problems or for whatever reason doesn’t do the job right. On the bright side, if there are any issues with our purchase, you’re covered under a standard three-year warranty on all purchases. If that doesn’t sound like enough for you, have no fear. You can upgrade warranties and get six-year comprehensive protection instead.
Technically Sounds
It’s obvious that these storage devices have the capacity to handle all your needs, because these well-crafted machines have all the technical components you would need. You can be sure your device will come with the storage your business requires, not to mention the ability to upgrade as your demands increase.
For the best data storage for your IT department at your business, choose a direct-attached storage solution. Your business will be protected, and you’ll have assurance and peace of mind.