4 Ways Your Business Can Become More Energy Efficient

According to Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPAs) Energy Star program, there are almost 6 million commercial buildings in the U.S. that consume $400 billion dollars of energy. However, 30 percent of that is used unnecessarily or inefficiently. In fact, 45 percent of U.S. greenhouse gasses are created by industrial facilities and commercial buildings. Therefore, becoming energy efficient should be a goal of every company. Here are four ways to increase your business’ energy efficiency.

Reduce Waste

According to the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA), companies can save money through reducing waste. Waste can be directly reduced through reusing or recycling cardboard, plastic and glass. Used oil, batteries and printer cartridges need to be recycled at designated sites. Electronic waste, such as older monitors and printers, may be recycled through their supplier. Be sure to have color-coded recycling bins in convenient locations, such as the lunchroom. Encourage employees to avoid printing and instead rely on e-mail or digital copies. Establish a central workplace supply room so employees can share supplies.

Proper Electronics Management

Electronic equipment contributes the most to the monthly electric bill. Upgrade older equipment models, such as copy machines and desktops, to newer models. In fact, laptops use between 70 to 80 percent less electricity than regular desktop models. Be sure to turn on the power save mode on your electronics. This will automatically reduce the energy consumption by 60 to 70 percent. Be sure to remind all employees to not just log out, but actually power down their computer at the end of the day. As work cell phones become universal, consider simply doing away with landline phones.


Offer incentives to employees that use public transportation or car pool together. A comfortable lunch room will encourage employees to remain on the work site, as opposed to driving to buy their lunch every day. Set the standard that company vehicles will be only be used when there are multiple errands or stops. For companies that actually transport products, set the expectation that drivers will refrain from idling their engines while they wait.

Upgrade Equipment

Outdated equipment and machinery are generally not eco-friendly. Newer designs, innovative technology and higher EPA standards mean that modern equipment is much more energy efficient. Upgrading your equipment will also reduce your energy costs and increase functionality. For example, warehouses and manufacturing facilities are typically older buildings that are poorly heated. A complete HVAC upgrade is expensive, while a propane tank heating Powerblanket is a cost effective solution that will improve efficiency.

Overall, energy efficacy and conservation will save money will improve the company’s image in the public eye. Reducing waste, energy management, transportation changes and equipment upgrades will make your company more energy efficient.

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